Cracking the Code of Your Ideal Diet

Are you struggling to determine the ideal diet for your unique needs? Does the abundance of dietary information on the internet leave you feeling overwhelmed or perplexed? Are you tired of dealing with persistent bloating, low energy levels, or unsuccessful weight loss, despite experimenting with diets like Paleo, Keto, AIP, Whole30, vegan, and more?

If these questions resonate with you and if you’re experiencing frustration, rest assured you’re not alone. Many of my clients initially share these same concerns and challenges when embarking on our journey together. Our primary focus, right from the start, is identifying the dietary approach that suits their individual bodies, allowing them to experience optimal well-being. I’m here to assist you in navigating this path toward dietary clarity and well-being.

Want to feel better?

As you naturally align with the diet that suits your body, you’ll experience a remarkable shift. You’ll find yourself feeling more uplifted, motivated, and energized, and you’ll notice your body becoming leaner.

Furthermore, when you reach this state of well-being, making food choices that align with your health objectives and the way you want to feel becomes second nature. It no longer presents a question or a challenge; it simply becomes a part of who you are.


The truth is, you are unique, and therefore your diet should be too.

The concept of bio-individuality often goes unnoticed when it comes to determining the right diet for you, yet it holds vital importance. What works for one person may not work for another, making it crucial to recognize and honor your unique dietary needs.

Have you ever felt disheartened while on a diet because you compared your progress to others who were achieving results while you weren’t? There are significant reasons why your dietary efforts might not yield the desired outcomes:

  1. You might be consuming incorrect ratios of proteins, carbs, and fats for your individual body.
  2. Undetected food sensitivities or intolerances could be causing inflammation.
  3. Hidden hormone imbalances might be hindering the effectiveness of your diet.
  4. Your digestive system may not be functioning optimally, resulting in poor nutrient absorption and overall bodily function.

Simply altering your diet without pinpointing what truly suits your unique needs won’t address these underlying issues that can obstruct your progress.

However, once you discover a diet that aligns with your bio-individuality, it can lead to the resolution of food sensitivities, hormone imbalances, and digestive dysfunction. Ultimately, this newfound understanding can help you regain your energy, shed excess weight, enjoy restful sleep, and rediscover the vibrant, authentic you.

The primary reason why most dietary approaches don’t yield desired results for individuals like you is often rooted in the consumption of incorrect ratios of proteins, carbs, and fats tailored to your body’s specific needs.

When you deviate from the optimal ratios of proteins, carbs, and fats for your unique body, it can manifest in various uncomfortable ways, leaving you to feel:

  1. Fatigued, anxious, irritable, or in need of frequent naps.
  2. Prone to snacking, experiencing a heavy stomach, or having persistent cravings for sweets.
  3. Encumbered by brain fog, experiencing a sense of being both wired and tired, or feeling physically full yet still hungry.

These signals indicate that your ratios are out of balance, likely leading to imbalanced blood sugar levels and insufficient nutrient intake from the foods you consume.

Elimination Diets

Aside from the Keto diet, most dietary approaches don’t address the ratios of proteins, carbs, or fats you should consider for each meal or throughout the day. And the ratios associated with Keto aren’t right for everyone – especially if you have a thyroid or other type of hormone imbalance. 

Most diets fall into an “elimination diet” approach, telling you what foods to avoid and what foods are considered okay. 

For example, Paleo and Whole30 diets promote eating whole, unprocessed animal and plant foods, and they avoid processed foods such as sugar, dairy, grains, and soy. The Autoimmune Paleo (AIP) diet adds another layer of elimination to the Paleo diet by excluding foods containing lectins, such as eggs, nuts, seeds, beans, and nightshade vegetables. But all three of these diets are non-specific regarding the ratio of protein, carbs, or fats you should eat in each meal. 

Vegan or vegetarian diets are also based on elimination. They exclude certain animal products but don’t address food ratios. As a vegan or vegetarian, you might need a higher ratio of protein sourced from plants to feel your best. 

To sum it up, an elimination diet alone won’t typically get you lasting results. However, elimination diets can provide a great foundation to help you figure out what diet is right for you. 

Elimination diets effectively steer you away from foods known to cause inflammation, such as processed items, grains, dairy, and sugar. By incorporating an elimination strategy to remove these inflammatory culprits, you’re taking a significant stride in the right direction.

The next important move in determining the ideal diet for you involves fine-tuning the balance of proteins, carbs, and fats in your meals, ensuring your body receives the essential fuel it needs to perform at its best.

When you achieve the correct protein, carb, and fat ratios per meal, you will experience:

  1. Sustained satisfaction, with the ability to go 3-5 hours or longer without feeling hungry.
  2. Prolonged energy levels that leave you feeling recharged throughout the day.
  3. Enhanced cognitive clarity, a positive mindset, and an overall sense of well-being.

    You can use the elimination diet of your choice as a guide to creating a clear list of foods you can eat and those you should avoid. Then take it one step further by customizing the ratio of protein, carbs, and fats included in each meal so you can feel your best.

    What’s my ratio?

    Figuring out your food ratios is pretty simple. All you need to do is:

    1. Tune into your body 30 minutes to 2 hours after eating
    2. Notice how it’s responding to what you ate
    3. Adjust your food ratios until you get the perfect response

    To help you figure out what ratios are right for your body, download my Food & Body Language Log.

    Dialing in on food ratios has been a game-changer for my clients and me. Download the Diet Check Record Sheet, log 6-10 meals for food ratio feedback, and then send me an email or message me on Facebook or Instagram to let me know what you discover about the right diet for you! 

    Interested in Health Coaching or FDN? Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® and the DRESS for Health Success® Program are proven methods that have helped thousands of people! To learn more, book a complimentary call.

    Disclaimer: The information provided is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider for medical guidance and assistance tailored to your specific needs.

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